Pressing In
Simryn Gill
Published by Negative Press, Melbourne, 2017, 6 p. concertina (colour & b/w ill.), 13.5 × 27 cm (folded) 36.5 × 27 cm (unfolded), English
Price: €10

Simryn Gill has developed a distinctive oeuvre that encompasses an array of media and processes, including drawing, installation and photography.

The series of relief prints Pressing In, 2016 was developed with Melbourne printmaker Trent Walter and are impressions taken off the surfaces of machine-shaped and hand-wrought timbers washed onto the shore in the vicinity of the artist’s studio in Malaysia. Various paper types are used, from a catalogue of butterflies, the locations of stars, the moral development of children, industrial design practice, and wage rolls and ledgers.

#2017 #negativepress #simryngill
Der Stand der Dinge
Published by Kölnischer Kunstverein, Köln, 1994, 84 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, German
Price: €24 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the group exhibition Der Stand der Dinge,  29 October–23 December, 1994 at the Kölnischer Kunstverein, Köln, curated by Udo Kittelmann.

Including artists Lawrence Carroll, Peter Fischli & David Weiss, Urs Frei, Franka Hörnschemeyer, Martin Kippenberger, Matthew McCaslin, Thom Merrik, Laurie Parsons, Joe Scanlan, Andreas Techler, Rikrit Tiravanija, Birgit Werres and Erwin Wurm.

#1994 #kolnischerkunstverein #laurieparsons #martinkippenberger #peterfischliampdavidweiss #rikrittiravanija #udokittelmann
Richard Tuttle
Published by Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1975, 96 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 23 cm, English
Price: €48

Produced on the occasion of Richard Tuttle’s exhibitions at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 12 September–16 November, 1975 and the Otis Art Institute Gallery of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, 16 January–29 February, 1976. With an essay by Marcia Tucker.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1975 #marciatucker #richardtuttle
Rosemarie Trockel
Published by Centre Georges Pompidou Cabinet d’Art Graphique, Paris, 2000, 96 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 24 cm, French
Price: €22 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Rosemarie Trockel’s exhibition Dessins, 11 October 2000–1 January 2001 at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#2000 #drawing #rosemarietrockel
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 1990, 16 pp. (b/w ill.), 26.5 × 30 cm, Dutch/English
Price: €19 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Jean-Marc Bustamante’s exhibition at de Appel, 17 March–22 April, 1990. With a text from Saskia Bos, designed by Irma Boom.

#1990 #deappel #irmaboom #jeanmarcbustamante #saskiabos
Autobiography #10
Ignasi Aballí
Published by Tonini Editore, Gussago, 2022, 64 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 17 cm, English
Price: €20

Autobiography by Ignasi Aballí is made up of 64 “años” (years), one for each of the 64 pp.. Casually, the artist was born in 1958, it means that he has 64 years old at the time of the publication of the book.

Autobiography is a series by Tonini Editore, published monthly. Each volume is dedicated to an artist, who is free to carry out the topic of the autobiography by means of text or visual supports. Belonging to a series, each book has the same size and maximum amount of pp. (64).

#2022 #ignasiaballi #toninieditore