Henri Michaux, Nemours Aurélie: Frac de Bourgogne
Published by Centre d'art de Tanlay, Yonne, 1995, 144 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 26 × 26 cm, French
Price: €55
Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Henri Michaux, Nemours Aurélie: Frac de Bourgogne at the Château de Tanlay, Yonne, 20 May–1 October, 1995.
Henri Michaux was a Belgian-born French author and painter best known for the work he produced while hallucinating on mescaline.
Aurélie Nemours was a French painter who made abstract geometrical paintings and was highly influenced by De Stijl, or neoplasticism.
*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership