Guy de Cointet
Published by ER Publishing, New York / Paris, 2024, 160 pp. 10 × 19 cm, English / French
Price: €20

Rachel Valinsky invites seven artists from both sides of the Atlantic to share their views of Guy de Cointet, with contributions by Davide Balula, Eva Barto, Julie Béna, Jesse Chun, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Gordon Hall, Alan Reid.

Guy de Cointet was fascinated with language, which he explored primarily through performance and drawing. His practice involved collecting random phrases, words, and even single letters from popular culture and literary sources—he often cited Raymond Roussel’s novel Impressions of Africa as influential—and working these elements into non-linear narratives, which were presented as plays to his audience.

#2024 #evabarto #gordonhall #guydecointet